About Us

We are a resource centre for witches, pagans and eclectics.
We also offer courses on witchcraft online.
Witch crafting as many of our items as we can to bring you all a piece of the magick we offer, from spells to ornaments, with the best energy in all we create!
A group of witches with individual style of crafting.
Each item we make has a magickal purpose behind it, and is blessed as it is made, through spell work
We strive to be unique and create items of curiosity and beauty; each item we create is a one of a kind creation. We do not replicate any of our products. Be assured that our products are unique, of high quality and love and effort is put into them.
"we shall stop when our ancestors say when"

Witchcraft is a lifestyle. Toni has adopted many titles over the last 30 plus years such as Clairvoyant; Medium; Psychic; Therapist; Practitioner; Conjure queen and so I feel you have the idea! The most important 'title' for Toni is "someone you can trust to give it straight", okay a little mouthful but absolutely true!
Toni has served this life for time and a day. Whether that is providing intuitive guidance to visitors in form of our psychic services or a session where Toni provides a truly out of body experience with one of the many therapy services.
It is of Toni's wish to ensure those who visit us, leave feeling uplifted and in a more positive mindset!

The Witches of Gloucester
Readings - Clairvoyance - Psychic Counselling & Consultations
Magick Tuition - Alternative Energy Therapy - Spells
(some services are available via video link click here to see more info)
Candles - Divination Tools - Crystals - Witches Herbs - Magickal tools Spells & Oils- Dolls - Incense - Resins - Jewellery - Ornaments - Gifts
Gift Vouchers - Resin Crafts - Aura Sprays - Curios - eCourses
+Witch-crafted Creations by the witches of Spellbound
Spellbound Shop is based in Gloucestershire, United Kingdom
Established in 2007, Run by Eclectic Witches
if you want to know more get in touch click here

The Witches Eclectic Online Supply Store
We provide a truly magickal environment for witches a-like to select those witchy essentials.
It is with our most magickal, high vibrational intent, that we craft many of the items offered, from Witch Bottles to Spells, Ornaments to Crystals.
Our eclectic approach to witchcraft also encompasses a extensive range of herbs, over 150 available...these are selected to make The Witches Herb Collection.
Spellbound is the evolution of our previous company Brilliant-Bliss.
We have a truly wonderful team of Witches whom together bring the magick alive to you in many forms.
The development of each person who seeks the path of witchcraft will discover, we are ready to guide you, no matter your choice in the path you seek.
Raven School of Witchcraft
Generational knowledge of the craft has passed through many minds, whether it is simply being aware of witchcraft or those who seek to know more!
Those who seek this path or those who are divinely guided have so much to explore, develop and deliver to the next generation!
It is this reason why Toni, who founded Raven has devoted a lifetime of extensive development. We are truly blessed to offer this knowledge and experience to others who wish to learn.
Witch School is available to those who wish to learn with independent online study.
Where ever you may be in your witchcraft journey we have something for you all!
Trusted & Certified